Thursday, February 4, 2010

A "Little" Something Special...or Two!!

First thing's first...did you see Sweet 'n Sassy's big news this week??!! We're going all digital! We helped Korin celebrate this announcement with a blog hop on can still scroll down to Monday's post to visit all the DT's blogs to see their, they were incredible! What a talented bunch of ladies! Speaking of the DT...we GREW!!! (let me clarify that we grew in NUMBERS, not by pant size... lol) So much excitement this week already, and would you believe there is more?? Korin has decided to release all the February digis, and a few of the March images today! Yup, go take a look at the many adorable images! Also, you will need to keep your eyes on the store, because Korin will be releasing new digis frequently. My advice is to check daily!

So what will this mean for "Digi Day Thursdays"? Well, since we will be having daily releases of new digital stamps, we will now have a challenge day on SNR every Thursday! The first Thursday of the month will feature a "prize" challenge. We hope you will play along on the other Thursdays too, because Korin will be on the lookout for our Guest Designers and Spotlight Customers from the participants! Today, our hostess over on SNR is Micki! The challenge....USE THOSE BUTTONS!!

Whew...oh yeah, I have a couple of cards too! (hope you've stuck with me this long!)

The first card I made, is a teeny little 4x4 notecard. I LOVE little cards...I'm always drawn to them in stores! I used the adorable "Benjamin Bunny", printed him off on Neenah cardstock and coloured him with my Copic markers. I kept the layout really simple, and just layered him on some coloured cardstock and My Mind's Eye DP.

My second card was made with our SNR challenge in mind! This new image is "One of a Kind". Again, I printed it off on Neenah and coloured with Copic markers. The sky was sponged in with a make-up sponge and a hand-cut cloud template. I think the DP here is from Fancy Pants. This little birdie just makes me giggle! Being different isn't necessarily a bad thing...after all God made each of us unique! We should celebrate who He made us...but at the same time, be willing to be shaped and molded into who He wants us to become!

So, I hope your day will include a stop by SNR to participate in the chatting and challenge! I hope to stop by there later after work. I hope you all have a fantastic, blessed day!!



  1. Both are GREAT cards Melanie, I do love those cute little birdies though! Love the bright colours! Have a great day!

  2. Melanie these are fabulous! I'm forever drooling over your creations. I have to say I'm partial to that adorable bunny. Hugs, Maria

  3. Two incredible cards, Melanie! I really like the way you added some clouds and blue sky behind each of the images -- it makes them feel all the more spring-like.

  4. Wow girlie your coloring is perfect!! I love the fur on that bunny ~ so real looking!! Both cards are just adorable!!

  5. OMG, these are FAB!!!!! I swear, you are a master of the copic!!!! Just beautiful coloring and the images are fantastic too!
    Kim xXx

  6. Wow beautiful cards and your colouring is stunning.
    Mel x

  7. Your colouring is just far too stunning, Mel!


Thank you so much for taking the time to stop by! Please feel free to leave me a comment so I can come by your blog, and see what you have been creating!!

