Saturday, February 20, 2010

Making a Scene Over at Kraftin' Kimmie Stamps...and Some Exciting News!

LOL... I love it when somebody actually gives me permission to "make a scene", and that's exactly what our lovely Krafty Girl Vicki has invited us to do at the Kraftin' Kimmie Stamps Challenge Blog this week!! Our challenge this week is called "Scene It"...yup, she wants to see you create a scene with at least 2 Kraftin' Kimmie images.

Before I get to my card for this week's challenge, I have some BIG news to share! Kimmie has invited me to become an official Krafty Girl!! Now after much consideration...YEAH RIGHT!!! LOL, like I even had to think about it! I accepted immediately! These past couple of months have been so much fun, and I was dreading the end of my guest term. She has also asked my partner in crime, fellow guest designer Donna Wardle to become permanent member of the team as well!! I know we are both over-the-top with excitement to become official Krafty Girls!! Thank you so very much Kimmie for this opportunity! What a blessing to be part of such a talented team of girls!!

Whew! Ok, on to my card this week. I am still totally on an Annie Rodrigue pirate kick! I just love these new images. For this challenge, I have inked up "Polly" and "Captain Scurvy". What a pair!! The images were all stamped on Neenah cardstock and coloured with Copic markers (gee, imagine that!). I drew in the deck and railing of a pirate ship. "Shiver Me Timbers" is part of the "Pirate Sentiment" set. I imagine this is something the good ol' Captain might say when met with such a gorgeous gal like Polly!

Here's a closer look at Polly...

And at Captain Scurvy....

I hope you find time to play along with us this week. You can hop over to the Challenge Blog to feast your eyes on the samples by the Krafty Girls for inspiration! Remember, you must use Kraftin' Kimmie images to be eligible for the weekly prize!

Go on, MAKE A SCENE this week!



Stamps: Kraftin' Kimmie Stamps, "Polley", "Captain Scurvy" and "Pirate Sentiments"
Ink: Memento Tuxedo Black, Memento Summer Sky, Copic markers
Paper: Basic Grey Arhival, Bazzill, Neenah
Embellishments: Iron-on trim (adhered with Glossy Accents)


  1. I just had to pop by and say love the card and the colouring is SUPER! loving that red (could you tell me which red it is?) It looks so rich!

    Love Dawn xx

  2. Wow, Melanie. Your card is fantastic. It's a total piece of art! The depth in your colouring is incredible. Would LOVE to know your colour choices for hair and clothes. It's really beautiful, I can't say enough. And you drew in the deck???? Wow, very impressive. Congrats on the permanent gig with Kraftin Kimmie Stamps. The stamps are awesome and Kimmie is super great. Thanks for sharing your talents.

  3. Big Congrats! So excited that you are a permanent fixture - your creations are amazing! This scene card is no exception - it is simply spectacular!!

  4. Congratulations! Your permanent position is well deserved!
    This card is truly amazing! But how did you make the ship deck they are standing on?

  5. Congrats Krafty Chickadee! Your card is AMAZING!!!!!

  6. CONGRATS Mel!!! You totally deserve the DT spot, cause you totally ROCK!! And so does this card!!! This is just AMAZING Mel!! I swear I had to pick myself off the floor when I first saw it! It is AMAZING!! Xx

  7. Oh my word Melanie this is beyond's amazing hun! Absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!! Your coloring seriously blows me away! This looks so real!!! CONGRATS on being a permanent Krafty Girl! That's amazing news and Kimmie is so lucky to have you on her team! :)
    Big Hugs~ Kim

  8. Wow.......what an amazing card ....... GORGEOUS...such rich beautiful go girl!!!

  9. Okay, I picked myself up off the floor now so that I can leave a blow me away. I am starting to have a big craft crush on you girl! Kimmie and I are determined to hang with you and make, I mean ask for a colouring lesson tee hee.

  10. Wow! Fabulous card. Not to mention the colouring. Great job.

  11. Melanie, I don't even know what to say about this! My jaw hit the desk when I first saw it. Holy Smokin' Moly, girl. I bow to your talent. (Seriously.)

  12. Oh, and I forgot to add that I'm SUPER excited that you and Donna are permanent on the team! So SO glad!! :) :) :)

  13. Melanie, WOW!! What else can one say?!! Your drawing is amazing, what a fabulous scene! And your colouring, well, I don't even want to talk about it. Tee Hee!! How I would love to have your talent. You are blessed!!

  14. You are a true artist, and this card proves it. I am in awe. Wowzers!! Can I come over and watch you color sometime??? This is just spectacular, in every way possible. :-D xo


Thank you so much for taking the time to stop by! Please feel free to leave me a comment so I can come by your blog, and see what you have been creating!!

