Monday, May 17, 2010

Little Reminders

Good morning!! We had a gorgeous weekend here, and today is looking pretty good too. Oh my...did anybody else watch the Survivor finale last night?? We're such Survivor nuts here...and this season was amazing! It was full of amazing strategic many twists and turns! Awesome! (SPOILER AHEAD!!) I was really surprised, as many of the contestants I wasn't fond of in previous seasons turned out to be some of the people I was kind of rooting for! Take Jerri for example...when I heard she would be on this season, I was so mad!! I actually found myself cheering her on this time around. She played the game very differently from before...and has obviously matured a lot over the last several years. In the end, I was happy Sandra won. There was no way I wanted either Parvati or Russel to win...not a fan of the way either played the game.

Anyhoo...I do not have a card for you today, but I did want to remind you of a few things.

  1. Today is another spotlight Monday at The Town Scrapper, and today we are featuring the amazingly talented mother/daughter team of Lori, Hannah and Ella Boyd!! Make sure you stop by to see what amazing projects these three have made with The Town Scrapper's exclusive Victoria Case stamps! You also still have time to join in our sketch challenge from last week! You could win yourself a new CC Designs stamp from The Town Scrapper!
  2. We celebrated the May release at Kraftin' Kimmie Stamps yesterday with a blog hop!! If you place your order by tonight, you will be eligible to win a print of Annie Rodrigue's original artwork featuring "Perfect Poison"!! Click here to see the details, and then click here to go shopping!
  3. You still have time to participate in the current "Favourite Things" challenge at Sundays With Crissy!! Hop on over there to check out the fantastic examples by Crissy's Crew and to link up your creation! (make sure to use of one Crissy's digital images!) Crissy will be posting a new challenge this Sunday, which you will also have two weeks to participate in. This month's prize is could win the Fancy Tags Spellbinders set!! (it's one of my favourites!!)

Well, that's it for today folks! Before I go, I just wanted to thank you all so much for your sweet comments!! I appreciate that you take the time out of your day to visit. You all said such lovely things to Ainsleigh yesterday about her card for the Kraftin' Kimmie blog hop...she was just tickled! She wanted me to pass on her thanks too.

I hope you all have a wonderful day!



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