Friday, April 22, 2011

Spring is in the Air!

I sure hope spring stays in the air...we had snow earlier this week in Southwestern Ontario! I do love winter, but I am ready for warmer weather and sunshine to set it. I love hearing the birds out chirping in the trees, and it's so nice to let some fresh air into the house. It's my turn today to share a card at Sundays with Crissy. We have two options for your challenge theme this month..."Spring" or "Baby" themed projects!

For my card today, I used two of Crissy's newest digital images from Whimsy Stamps..."Meadow Background" and "New Chickie". I merged the images together before printing them out on Neenah cardstock. The paper is from October Afternoon.

We'd love to have you play along with us. You can link your project up on Sarah's post from the beginning of the month, HERE. (just look for the Inlinkz button at the end of her post) All rules for entering challenges at Sundays With Crissy can be found in the sidebar of the challenge blog.

(sorry for the short post today folks...we've got company arriving as I'm typing! lol)



Stamps: Crissy's "New Chickie" and "Meadow Background" from Whimsy Stamps
Ink: Copics
Paper:Neenah, Bazzill, October Afternoon
Tools: Martha Stewart Punch


  1. AGH, how cuuuuuuute!!!! I love the little chick peeking out, he's just totally adorable and what beautiful depth you've added Melanie :0)

  2. This is too cute! Your coloring and layout are fab!

  3. This is adorable and colored beautifully! What program do you use to merge the images?

  4. Your talent knows no bounds! I love how you treated the sky. You are one amazing crafter Melanie!!


Thank you so much for taking the time to stop by! Please feel free to leave me a comment so I can come by your blog, and see what you have been creating!!

