Thursday, October 20, 2011

Frosty Fun...October Kraftin' Kimmie Sneak Peeks!!

Good morning folks. We're kicking off the October sneak peeks at Kraftin' Kimmie Stamps today! But  before getting to today's project, I just wanted to share a bit about Krafty Day 2011 that was held this past Saturday near London, Ontario. What an amazing day! The doors opened at 9:00 am for attendees to come in, claim their seats and set up their krafty stations. Tables were piled high with Copic markers, Cuttlebugs, stamps, ink, dies and paper cutters. Kimmie opened the morning with announcements and everybody spent a bit of time enjoying refreshments and shopping both at the Kraftin' Kimmie Stamps display and at Scrappin' Great Deals who joined us for the day. :)  Oh my goodness, you should have seen the wall behind the stamp was COVERED with gorgeous cards made by the Krafty Girls!! It was quite the sight to behold. :)  Two make and takes were run in the morning by Krista VanTol and Kerry Johnson, and two more were run in the afternoon by myself and Tara Godfrey (with the assistance of her lovely daughter Hannah!). Door prizes were awarded throughout the day and we raffled off four packages of cards made by the Krafty Girls with all proceeds going to the Canadian Cancer Society. One of the highlights of the day was of course having Krafty Artist Annie Rodrigue at our event!! Annie had her own table set up with sketchbooks for us to peek though (they were absolutely incredible!), watercolours, inks and samples of her work. She created a GORGEOUS inked piece featuring Batty and Catty that was also raffled off for charity...she certainly made one of our attendees a very happy lady!! I had a wonderful time connecting with fellow Kraftin' Kimmie Stamp fans and colouring enthusiasts. I'd like to say hello to all the wonderful ladies who was great to see some familiar faces from last year and to have the opportunity to meet some new friends as well. Thank you to all who helped make this a great event...I'm already looking forward to next year!

The excitement continues this week with our October sneak peeks!! We will be sharing previews of the new stamps each day leading up to the release day this Sunday. Today, the Krafty Girls are sharing projects featuring the newest stamps by Krafty Artist Cheryl Alger.

My project today features "Sending Winter Hugs". I absolutely adore snowmen and I think this little guy is so cute. :) I was recently in Michaels and found some great wooden tags that I thought would be fun to play with. I painted the tag with white acrylic paint and covered it with some paper from the Bo Bunny Blitzen collection. I first stamped the image on Neenah, coloured it with Copic makers and then cut it out. As the stick arms are much too delicate to cut out, I also stamped the image directly on the design paper so that I could basically paper-piece the snowman's body and still include those cute stick arms. I applied white acrylic craft paint to the tag and sprinkled it generously with Glamour Dust. I also mixed some Glamour Dust into a thin wash of acrylic paint and painted over the snowman's body. (which basically covered up any shading I had created with my Copics, lol. But he is cute and glittery now!) The little "Fun and Frosty" tag is from the Blitzen paper pad. I added a bit of ribbon and an acrylic snowflake from the dollar store that I coated with Stickles.  This was a really easy and fun project to put would also be a great project to work on with your kids. :)

(Unfortunately the glitter-factor of this tag didn't show up in the photograph, but it really is super sparkly with all the Glamour Dust and Stickles...and I was pretty glittery myself by the time I was done! lol)

To see more projects featuring the soon-to-be-released October Kraftin' Kimmie Stamps by Cheryl Alger, please visit the Kraftin' Kimmie Stamps Blog for links to the Krafty Girls sharing previews today.

Oh, and can we interest you in a little BLOG CANDY??!! All you need to do is leave a comment for each Krafty Girl sharing a sneak peek today and Kimmie will draw a winner who will be announced on the Kraftin' Kimmie Stamps Blog tomorrow. You could be the very lucky winner of all three of Cheryl's new October stamps! :)

Thanks for stopping by for a peek today, and I hope you plan to join us tomorrow when we'll be sharing projects featuring stamps by yet another Krafty Artist!!

Have a wonderful day my friends. :)



Stamps: KKS "Sending Winter Hugs"
Ink: Memento, Copics
Paper: Bo Bunny Blitzen
Embellishments: Glamour Dust, Stickles, Ribbon, acrylic snowflake, machine stitching
Other: White acrylic craft paint


  1. OMG, I love your tag!!! The gorgeous blues and the whimsy snowman are perfect together!

  2. He is ohhh so adorable.. I do love snowmen lol..

  3. Stunning tag! I love your use of paint and that bow is gorgeous!

  4. What a fabulous tag! I love blue and white for Christmas, it's so clean!

    luv, Mags x

  5. I LOVE the bow on the card! Such a great embellishment!

  6. What a beautiful tag! Thanks for sharing, great job!

  7. Fabulous tag! Love the rich colors and bow! Very creative!

  8. That is absolutely adorable!

  9. Adorable snowman! I'm so excited to see the rest of the releases!

  10. OMG! This is so sweet! I LOVE it! Snowmen are my favorite & this guy is way adorable

  11. I love the colors you used. He is so cute!

  12. love the bow on this card nicely done.

  13. so adorable- love the snowman with the pretty papers & your snowflake bow is gorgeous!

  14. cool tag!, snow cute!, ha ha, well done you. xx

  15. Cute tag...I could see many uses for this little guy.

  16. An amazing tag Melanie! I love the colours and that snowman is adorable!!

  17. Simply beautiful and I'm LOVIN' that snowflake on the ribbon. Such an elegant touch!

  18. Love the denim look to this cards. The white snowman pops against the background.

  19. Feb tag, another snowman, can't wait to see them all.

  20. So cute Melanie! Love the idea of a wooden tag for a base and great tip to stamp the image so you can get the arms on the paper.

  21. Beautiful tag. I love the shimmer and the acrylic snowflake (from the dollar store?) I've definitely got to be in a different frame of mind when shopping the dollar store. Gotta think embellishments when I'm looking around.

  22. Oooo- Love the sparkles! Gonna have to try that technique- thanks:)


Thank you so much for taking the time to stop by! Please feel free to leave me a comment so I can come by your blog, and see what you have been creating!!

