Wednesday, February 15, 2012

"Sew" Excited to Kick Off the February Kraftin' Kimmie Sneak Peeks!!

Good morning friends! It's been a little while since I posted. I've been nursing an injury to my leg that turned out to be worse than originally thought...and much more painful that I anticipated. :(  I'm still hobbling around like I have a peg leg...thinking I should wear an eye patch and start using phrases like "arrrgh", lol. I've had to resort to crutches on and off to help me move around a little easier. I am starting to have some small improvements, but still experiencing quite a bit of discomfort and swelling. I just wanted to say thanks to all my lovely friends out there who sent along well-wishes...your kind thoughts and words have been much appreciated!

Enough of that. We have much happier things to talk about today...we're kicking off the February 2012 sneak peeks at Kraftin' Kimmie Stamps!! We will be sharing daily sneak peeks over at the KKS Blog leading up to the release day on Sunday. Oh, and did I mention there is BLOG CANDY being given away each day??

Today, the Krafty Girls are sharing projects made with the brand new "In Stitches Set". This set includes a fantastic selection of six "stitches" in different sizes and four coordinating sentiments. I absolutely love adding stitching to my cards, but it can be quite time consuming to pull out my big machine, so this set is a fantastic alternative! On most of my paper panels, I used the smaller straight stitch stamp. I also used the small cross stitch stamp on the horizontal pink panel. The stitches and sentiment were all stamped in Rich Cocoa Memento Ink. The papers are from MME Madison Ave. I thought the design paper with the dress form and sewing machine were perfect for the In Stitches Set. I also used a pretty Kaisercraft wooden heart as an embellishment. It was first painted with an ivory acrylic craft paint. I stamped a pretty flourish design from Impression Obsession in Walnut Stain Distress Ink after the paint was dry. That was followed by applying some Spun Sugar Distress Ink with a make-up sponge and finally I used the brown ink to sponge around the edges. For finishing touches, I added a couple of snippets of crocheted trim and a few pearls created with a Viva Decor pen.

BLOG CANDY: Make sure to visit all the Krafty Girls sharing sneak peeks today and leave comments on their individual blogs. Kimmie will be drawing one lucky winner who will receive the complete "In Stitches" Set! You can find a list of links to their blogs over at the Kraftin' Kimmie Stamps Blog, which is where Kimmie will announce the winner tomorrow morning. Good luck!


Yes you read that right!! Annie is going to show us her creative process live!! She will show us how she brings a character to life from start to finish. I had the pleasure of meeting Annie at our Krafty Day last fall, and was able to watch her work her magic there...she is so sweet and off the charts talented! This is one event you do not want to miss. It will all happen tonight from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm !! You can join in the live video feed HERE. You can also read more about it on Annie's Facebook page HERE. See you there!

Thanks for stopping by, and I hope to see you tomorrow for another sneak peek. :)




  1. Love the distressed look of thise card and the fabby sewing stamps :)

  2. Sorry to hear you have been having trouble with your leg Melanie! I hope you are back to 100% soon!

    Love your card! So gorgeous!!! xx

  3. Georgeous card Melanie! I am so sorry to hear that your injury is worse than originally thought. It sucks to get that news. At least you are able to apply your craft. Look after yourself girlfriend!

  4. This is wonderful my favorite color is pink!
    Hugs Tammy

  5. Love the way you used the sewing set on your card. Also love all the distressing and that heart is fabulous.

  6. Your card is sew elegant! Love the soft look of the stitching on your card...gorgeous! :)

  7. gorgeous vintage card!! Love the way you used the stiches. and that viva decor pen is excellent, must get me one of those.
    jess m

  8. Love your gorgeous card using this new stamp set! It sure beats getting out the machine to add some stitching to cards! Sorry to hear of your leg injury...hope you are on the mend! Hugs! :)

  9. This is gorgeous, Melanie! Love the vintage look! Hope your leg is better soon!

  10. Great paper choice! I love pink and black. Hope you have a speedy recovery

  11. I think blogger ate my comment...if not just delete :)
    Great paper choice! I love pink and black.
    Hope you have a speedy recovery

  12. WOW, another wonderful card!!! I love this new stamp set!!! Hugs, Brigitte

  13. Love love love your card, soooo pretty!

  14. Oh my, your work is so beautiful.

  15. Very pretty card! Love the distressed colors and layout!

  16. Just Beautiful Melanie, I am sooo excited for this set.

  17. So beautiful and classic. I love that you used the print on the paper as a focal point :)

  18. Love the vintage feel. Feel better soon.

  19. I just love your cards! This is sew pretty.

  20. Your card is elegant. The stitches look perfect with the dress form and sewing machine.


Thank you so much for taking the time to stop by! Please feel free to leave me a comment so I can come by your blog, and see what you have been creating!!

