Monday, August 20, 2012

Brand New Dies By SCACD!!

Hi crafty friends! I wanted to let you all know that Susana has just released some beautiful new Dies By SCACD. Here's a sneak peek at a few of the new designs:

As I said, these three are just a little teaser! There are eight new designs in HERE to see them all. I love the intricacy of these dies. The designs are just gorgeous and will compliment a wide variety of themes and projects. They can be used on cards, tags, journal pages, altered items, scrapbook layouts, mixed media projects...just let your creativity soar. :)

They are available exclusively at SCACD and at Quixotic Paperie for our crafty friends overseas.

While you're visiting the SCACD store, here a few more newer products you might want to check out:

Happy shopping. :)



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