Saturday, October 30, 2021

Chipboard Challenge at Kraftin' Kimmie Stamps


   Good morning and welcome to another

Saturday Challenge

This week, our challenge theme is: 


I stamped one of the elves from Believe in Your Elf and coloured the image in copics. I masked the image and then did the background using the Beautiful Burlap stencil with Charming Chartreuse and Goblin Green inks. The chipboard lights are from the October Add-On Bundle. I first painted the chipboard then coated the bulbs in Stickles.

Each and every Saturday we post a brand new challenge for the week and you are welcome to enter as many times as you like.
These must be new creations and you are welcome to use any stamp, however, using Kraftin' Kimmie Stamp products will earn you double entries!

The monthly prize is a $25 voucher to the Krafty shop! There are two ways to enter: you can link up your creation on the  Kraftin’ Kimmie blog page and if using KKS products,
you can upload your photo to the album in our 

Also, if you need a little extra inspiration or a jump start to your mojo, we have a new sketch each month!
Feel free to use it any time!

And don't forget about this weekend's Frugal Friday Specials!! 
We've got a selection of gorgeous stamp sets on SALE 40% OFF this weekend while supplies last!!  

Be sure to check out all the fun projects the Design Team has come up with in the links below! Happy kraftin'!

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

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